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Product enlargements

Giant inflatable product enlargements

Replicas and enlargements of existing products are part of X-Treme Creations’ core business. For large outdoor events, you should consider sizes above 4 meter. For a fair or a POS, 2 meter should do the trick. Whatever happens, we think together with you, according to the complexity of the shape and the prints needed, in order to get as close to the original product as possible.

All  shapes are possible 

No importa lo compleja que sea la forma de sus botellas, vasos, latas, paquetes, cajas, herramientas y sus estampados, X-Treme Creations puede reproducirlos en un hinchable gigante. A partir de 2 metros, a la altura de su presupuesto. Incluso las réplicas más complicadas, como coches y aviones, son posibles. Sugerencia interesante: si tiene previsto utilizar las réplicas por la noche, asegúrese de utilizar iluminación interna para conseguir un efecto sorpresa adicional. 

Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable eye-catching hat of Saul Hudson the Gibson guitarist of Guns 'N Roses at the entrance of the largest Music show in Frankfurt X-Treme Creations

A few examples

Giant inflatable product enlargements Inflatatable tasty product replica of a Pretzel cookie installed on the roof of a German foodtruck X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Giant Inflatable Waterloo Beer bottle made for Martins at the Mont Saint Jean farm as a permanent eyecatcher with internal illumination X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Inflatable drill Powerplus with accu as a 4 m high product enlargement on the beach X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable giant earbud JBL during an underground electronic dance music festival X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable spark plug Denso of 5 m h with permanent working blower in the F1 Monza sponsor village X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable product replica of 4 m high made for Clif bar next to some foldable tents along Route 66 X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable gel L'Oréal 3 m high internally illuminated in Zurich trainstation X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements large inflatable sausage Marcassou in the mouth of little brother boar as a photo booth during a Ter Beke company event  X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable blue water tank 4 m h as an eyecatcher for DS Plastics during a Classic Cyclist Road Race in  Flanders X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable backpack Jansport 3 meter hight on the roof of a car  X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements giant inflatable distributor gummies 6 m high in central trainstation Antwerp X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Inflatable product enlargement Jim's moustache on top of an inflatable Mora Snacks branded column during a festival X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable Chiquita banana of 6 m high on point-of-sale  X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable box TicTac 8 m high during an International Beach Volley Competition in the city of Knokke in front of the Casino X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable satellite phone Sepura stp9000 of 6 m high along a Norwegian road during the World RX rally cross  X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable radio 4 m wide during Hurricane Festival in Germany X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable lighthouse 6 meter high Vedior Interim during a festival in Antwerp X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable mobile trailer in the shape of an ice cream cone with the big inflatable ice cream balls as a roof X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable metal pipe cutting tool 3 m long hanging above the Ridgid company booth during a fair X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable official Adidas Polo-shirt hanging indoor above the reception of the Dutch Tennis Open by ABN Amro X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable animation costume in the shape of the wellknown BBQ set called Green Egg X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable heat system Biddle hanging under a crane outside of Flanders' Expo Ghent X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable stand in the shape of a 12 m long transparent condom to increase the awareness that Aids is still part of our society  X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable circular saw as Festool eyecather during open doors in retail X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable food wrap Boursin 3 m high hanging above the booth during Horeca Expo X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable inhaler Relvar internal launch at the entrance of the GSK pharmaceutical firm  X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable seat of 4 m diameter with Urbee 2D printed bicycle  X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable piggy bank above the booth visitors with amongst them the Dutch Queen Maxima to promote financial education X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable tulip flowers 4 m h representing one of the iconic strongholders of Dutch agriculture and export X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable model 5 m h for CAT professional working cloths in the Republic of Ireland X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable UFO nearby the entrance of the Frequency Festival in Vienna X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable giant tube of Pringles as a sales booth for Procter and Gamble during the Werchter Festival amongst others X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable rucksack Eastpack 3 m high during an air event X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable 2 m high airtight pink bottle of champaign Villa Baudoir as a back ground for some famous chefs X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable battery of 5 m high on the recycling booth during an exhibition in the Netherlands X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable shopping bag for Jumbo supermarkets  used as an entrance arch during the Weissensee  ice skating race X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Inflatable cans Twisted Cat with some mind troubling artwork brewed in the city of Dudelange located the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg  X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Inflatable brick and bottle for a new product launch of Campina together with a small dynamic straw moving tube made for Spicy Motion X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Giant inflatable shoe on a base for Safety Jogger which is a brand of Cortina during a cyclo cross competition X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Inflatable giant car tyre 5 m Profile Tyre Center along the race circuit in the Netherlands X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements 3 m high inflatable shopping bag with removable digital printed banners in front of shopping center in Landau X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Inflatable medicine bottle Suprane Baxter 3 m h on the booth during a pharmaceutical exhibition X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Inflatable wooden crate with an inflatable pear and an inflatable apple  and an inflatable banana for the supermarket chain Lidl X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements Inflatable waste bag 3 m h PMD to boost separate waste collection in the Netherlands X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable bottles Loctite glue 3 m high on a dark and small booth of Henkel Technologies X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable petrol drill tower with spitting oil nearby the petrol station on the Makro site in Belgium made for the agency BBDO X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable rocket on a moon station on Corsica nearby the city of Furiani X-Treme Creations
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Giant inflatable product enlargements inflatable directory Kompass with removable and digital printed cover in the front and the back on top of a double decker busr X-Treme Creations
Product enlargements

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Garnish your event with custom giant or miniature inflatables! Make your fair stand pop out with large sized prints! An innovative concept based on our ideas? No question is X-Treme enough.

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