Product enlargements
Giant inflatable product enlargements
Replicas and enlargements of existing products are part of X-Treme Creations’ core business. For large outdoor events, you should consider sizes above 4 meter. For a fair or a POS, 2 meter should do the trick. Whatever happens, we think together with you, according to the complexity of the shape and the prints needed, in order to get as close to the original product as possible.
All shapes are possible
No importa lo compleja que sea la forma de sus botellas, vasos, latas, paquetes, cajas, herramientas y sus estampados, X-Treme Creations puede reproducirlos en un hinchable gigante. A partir de 2 metros, a la altura de su presupuesto. Incluso las réplicas más complicadas, como coches y aviones, son posibles. Sugerencia interesante: si tiene previsto utilizar las réplicas por la noche, asegúrese de utilizar iluminación interna para conseguir un efecto sorpresa adicional.
A few examples

Need some inspiration?
Garnish your event with custom giant or miniature inflatables! Make your fair stand pop out with large sized prints! An innovative concept based on our ideas? No question is X-Treme enough.