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Stickers & paper

Large sized print stickers en paper

Full colour foil or adhesive vinyl is available in many different ways. The sticker range is divided into monomer, polymer, high definition en specials. All formats are possible. Because the offer is strongly variable according to time and application, we strongly advise you to contact us in time for more information.


X-Treme Creations also supplies poster paper, in a few different thicknesses. Blueback paper is the paper used for billboards. This kind of paper has a blue back, so the colours underneath cannot be visible. To be used outside, for short-term applications. Citylight paper is specially conceived for lit bus shelters. The paper offers equal light distribution.

Large sized print stickers en paper vinyl stickers 100% full colour printed on DTEC Quickmount transparent material on 432 windows of the former police building Oudaan in city center Antwerp X-Treme Creations

A few examples

Large sized print stickers en paper Full color Airtex print and Craig Breedlove driving legend yellow cut out acrylic letters in the Brussels Good Year Company Headquarters X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper Léopoldine Roux Color Suicide artist exhibition temporary vinyl stickering for Indian Dribble X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper permanent vinyl stickered on the windows of the Ambrassade in the city center of Brussels nearby La Monnaie X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper dragon printed vinyl stickering on the vessel Ineos Ingenuity port side X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper stickering with vinyl on a Fast Forward Freight Truck in the airport of Zaventem X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper temporary vinyl stickering for anti tabacco internal communication at the Mechelen factory of Procter & Gamble X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper Full color printed permanent vinyl on the windows of the cultural hotspot De Munt in Brussels X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper full color printed acrylic for a wooden booth of the Allpack International Group X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper vinyl stickering on welcome desk of Silhouette Health Fitness in Brussels X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper yellow acrylic cut out letters  and full color printed artistex stickering on the walls of the Good Year Meeting rooms X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper stickering of a 600 m² dragon of the VLEC Marlin in Dalian as team is going mad X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper vessel VLEC Ineos Marlin received 1200 m² of dragon printed vinyl on his belly in the port of Dalian printed by Viskilter with 5 years of guarantee X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper stickering of a 600 m² dragon on the belly of the VLEC Marlin in Dalian X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper stickering of the vinyl country flags on the port side stern of the VLEC Marlin Ineos  X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper dark blue acrylic cut out letters  and full color printed artistex stickering on the walls of the Good Year Meeting rooms X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper Temporary vinyl full color printed and cut in the the shape of a tennisball for Telenet Headquarters X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper temporary vinyl stickering on the windows of Ikea in Brussels X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper Zinc bar and brasserie permanent vinyl stickering at the Brussels Marriott hotel  X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper
Large sized print stickers en paper Against All Odds dark blue acrylic cut out letters  and driving legengs full color printed artistex stickering on the walls of the Good Year  X-Treme Creations
Stickers & paper

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