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Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets

Inflatable gadgets guarantee a smile on your customer’s face. What about your logo or product replica as an inflatable gadget? Or if you sponsor a sports event, you could design a giant inflatable hand to be worn by supporters? Such inflatables allow great free publicity during live transmissions or in pictures of newspapers. An inflatable cupholder is a perfect airtight gadget to hand out if you wish to promote your range of fancy drinks…and these are only a few examples.

Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets inflatable Netflix beer glass during the festival Rock en Seine in Paris X-Treme Creations

A few examples

Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets airtight inflatable airplane of 100 cm long for Richard Bransons' Virgin Airlines X-Treme Creations
Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets inflatable dan in his purest airtight shape promoting inflatables globally X-Treme Creations
Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets inflatable real radio Hi working on FM in the swimming pool X-Treme Creations
Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets airtight island and palm tree to hold chilled Corona beer bottles  X-Treme Creations
Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets airtight thoroïde gadget to hold hard boiled eggs X-Treme Creations
Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets airtight inflatable dog bones of 100 cm long as POS eyecatcher for a shoe retailer X-Treme Creations
Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets airtight inflatable walkman as onpack promotion X-Treme Creations
Miniature airtight inflatable gadgets airtight inflatable retro compact disc holder like the Belgian band Compact Disc Dummies  X-Treme Creations

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Garnish your event with custom giant or miniature inflatables! Make your fair stand pop out with large sized prints! An innovative concept based on our ideas? No question is X-Treme enough.

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